January 21, 2025
Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix | Summary, Recap & Review
Join us as we take a look at a summary and review of the movie adaptation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, based on the longest Harry Potter book written.

The fifth installment of the Harry Potter series offers a lot action and character growth as they battle Voldemort's rising faction.


Excellent CGI

A new director gives it a darker tone

Sound design is on point as always


Several book discrepancies

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Join us as we take a look at a summary and review of the movie adaptation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, based on the longest Harry Potter book written.
The fifth installment in the Harry Potter series brought on a new director, David Yates, who would go on to direct the rest of the Harry Potter movies. In the aftermath of Voldemort’s return, Harry and his friends face a new political challenge that stops them from being able to learn how to defend themselves when they need it the most. In this article, we’ll be summarizing the important moments throughout the movie, as well as breaking down and reviewing its greatest aspects, book and movie differences, and answering FAQs.
Order of the Phoenix | Summary & Recap
Dementor Attack
The fifth movie begins in Little Whinging before the start of term. Harry and Dudley are in the park, butting heads, when the sky suddenly turns dark and menacing. The boys run for cover when two dementors appear, attacking them. With no other choice, Harry casts the Patronus Charm to repel the dementors.
Mrs. Figg, Harry Potter's neighbor, finds them and walks them home. On their way back to Privet Drive, she reveals that Dumbledore asked her to keep an eye on Harry. Soon after, Harry receives a letter stating that he has been expelled from Hogwarts for using magic while underage.
Headquarters of the Order
Members of the Order of the Phoenix arrive to rescue Harry from the Dursleys. Among the group is the real Mad-Eye Moody along with many of his friends. They travel by broom to Grimmauld Place, Sirius’ home and headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, the group that previously fought against Voldemort.
Harry is reunited with his friends and Godfather, but learns some unsettling news. The Minister of Magic and the Daily Prophet are slandering Harry and Dumbledore’s name in order to discredit their claim that Lord Voldemort has returned. Sirius also reveals that Voldemort is after something he didn’t have last time, but doesn’t elaborate on what that could be.
The Hearing
Mr. Weasley escorts Harry to the Ministry of Magic, where we get our first glimpse at the inside of the Wizarding World’s government building. Harry’s hearing is moved forward suddenly, and Dumbledore arrives just in time to defend him against the Minister of Magic and the Wizengamont, the wizarding world’s version of a Parliament.
The minister won’t let Harry say more than a single word in his defense, as they are determined to find him guilty of some wrongdoing. In the end, the Minister is outvoted and Harry is cleared of all charges. Harry tries to catch Dumbledore's attention, but is ignored.
Luna Lovegood
The trio arrive at Hogwarts just in time to catch a ride on the final carriage. Harry notices that it’s being pulled by a skeletal, horse-like creature that none of his friends can see. Here, they meet Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw student a year younger than Harry who claims she can also see the Thestrals, creatures that can only be seen by those who have witnessed death.
Dolores Umbridge
Harry returns for his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At the start of term feast, a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is introduced-- Dolores Umbridge. Harry realizes she was at his hearing and was one of the people that voted to expel him from Hogwarts. She makes some unfavorable comments that hint at the ministry interfering at the school.
During her first lesson, she refuses to teach magic and states that the concept of defensive magic should be enough for them. When Harry argues that there are threats lurking outside the school that require use of defensive spells, she gives him detention. She makes Harry use a quill that is enchanted to carve the words he writes onto his hand.
High Inquisitor
After McGonagall catches wind of Umbridge’s cruel punishment methods, she confronts her in the Entrance Hall. Umbridge takes this as a sign that the professors of Hogwarts are disloyal to the Ministry. Fudge, the Minister, makes her the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts in order to “reform” the education system.
After “assessing” all the teachers, Umbridge goes as far as attempting to banish the Divination teacher, Trelawny, from Hogwarts. Thankfully, this is where Dumbledore finally draws the line. He has McGonagall escort Trelawny back inside and puts Umbridge in her place, but she is not deterred.
The Room of Requirement
Hermione forms a gathering in order to find a teacher that will teach them defensive spells. In the end, Harry is voted as the best option and they officially form a secret group called Dumbledore’s Army, or DA for short. Neville accidentally finds the Room of Requirement, a hidden room that appears to those in need.
The group decides this is the perfect place for them to practice. They meet frequently, sometimes having to out maneuver Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad in the process. By Christmas break, most of them have learned new defensive spells and Harry finally steals a kiss from Cho.
Harry’s Dream
Harry has a dream of a snake attacking Mr. Weasley in the Department of Mysteries. Ron and McGonagall take him to Dumbledore’s office, who sends word immediately. Mr. Weasley is found in time. In the process, he is ignoring Harry, who finally snaps at Dumbledore. His uncontrollable anger reaches a breaking point and he doesn’t understand what is happening to him.
Dumbledore asks Snape to teach Harry Occlumency, a way to stop Voldemort from invading his mind. The Potion's professor reluctantly takes Harry to his office, where he explains the connection between Harry and the Dark Lord. He begins the Occlumency lessons to teach Harry how to resist these mental intrusions.
While in the Room of Requirement, Umbridge uses the spell Bombarda Maxima to break through the wall. She catches Harry and the other students in the process of practicing magic. It is revealed that Cho Chang is the one who gave up the location. Harry later learns that the information was given unwillingly.
Umbridge calls upon Fudge and uses Harry and his friends as proof that Dumbledore is conspiring against the Minister. They try to arrest Dumbledore, who refuses to come quietly and vanishes. All the DA students are forced to use the cursed quills as punishment.
Hagrid’s Secret
Hagrid was gone for half the school year. When he returned, he revealed to the trio that he was sent to parley with the giants, but that isn’t his only secret. With the headmaster gone, he takes the three friends deep into the forbidden forest where he introduces them to Grawp, his half brother. He asks them to take care of the giant since he believes he’ll soon be getting sacked now that Umbridge has taken over Hogwarts.
O.W.L.s and Padfoot
While the fifth year students are taking their O.W.L. exams, overseen by the new headmistress, Fred and George barge in on brooms. They set off fireworks left and right, destroying the exams and attacking Umbridge and her followers in the process. As their final goodbye to Hogwarts, the twins fly off into the sky and leave their signature W behind.
While the entire school is celebrating in the courtyard, Harry has a vision of Sirius being tortured by Voldemort. Taking advantage of the distraction, they go to Umbridge’s office, the only place where the Floo network in Hogwarts still works.
Umbridge’s Downfall
Harry, Ron, and Hermione are caught, along with Neville, Ginny, and Luna. Umbridge has them all together in her office and attempts to get the truth out of Harry. She is prepared to use the Cruciatus Curse on Harry when Hermione blurts out that Dumbledore has a secret weapon.
Harry and Hermione lead Umbridge into the forbidden forest to buy them some time. They come across a group of centaurs that attack Umbridge after she insults them. Grawp makes an appearance, picking up Umbridge and eventually dropping her, letting the centaurs carry her off into the forest.
Department of Mysteries
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Luna use Thestrals to travel to the Ministry of Magic and rescue Sirius. They find the Department of Mysteries, a room full of thousands of crystal balls. They don’t find Sirius, but instead a prophecy about Harry and Voldemort.
Suddenly, a group of Voldemort's followers arrive, among them is Lucius Malfoy and Azkaban escapee Bellatrix Lestrange. Lucius reveals that the vision was fake and the students fight the Death Eaters in order to escape. Ginny casts a powerful spell that has every crystal ball falling from their shelves and they have to outrun raining glass.
Sirius’ Death
They make it to another room with a misty archway at its center. Harry and Luna can hear voices coming from it, but before they can figure out what it is, they're surrounded by Death Eaters. With his friends' lives on the line, Harry choses to give up the prophecy instead of watching them die. The Order appears just in time and the prophecy is destroyed. Harry and Sirius fight side by side when, suddenly, Lestrange casts the killing curse at Sirius. Harry watches as his Godfather falls into the misty archway, his soul and body leaving the living world forever.
Battle Between Good and Evil
Harry chases after Lestrange and casts Crucio at her, using an Unforgivable Curse for the first time. Voldemort appears, whispering in his ear that he should kill her. Harry manages to snap out of it. Dumbledore appears.
The Dark Lord and the Headmaster fight in an epic duel that displays just how powerful magic can be in the right hands. They’re matched pretty evenly, and eventually Voldemort vanishes, but he hasn’t given up. Using his connection with Harry, he momentarily possesses him. Harry then has to fight an internal battle against the Dark Lord, and he manages to overpower him in the end.
The Prophecy
Members of the ministry and the Minister of Magic appear by Floo network and catch sight of the Dark Lord. Voldemort flees the scene. Fudge finally accepts that the Dark Lord has returned and resigns from his position. Umbridge is under investigation and Dumbledore is reinstated as headmaster.
Harry and Dumbledore finally talk. The headmaster reveals that he avoided Harry all year, believing it would protect him. They discuss the meaning of the prophecy and that, for this war to end, Harry must kill Voldemort.
Order of the Phoenix | Review
CGI and Visuals | 10/10
The fifth movie has some of the best CGI and visuals in the series. It’s one of the first times we get to see the power of dueling between two of the greatest wizards of their time. The effects, such as the fiery snake, ball of water, and raining glass, look very realistic. Even simpler things, such as the way the Room of Requirement door appears, look fantastic.
Storyline and Plot Development | 8/10

The storyline follows the trio trying to overcome oppression from their government and Professor Umbridge is a wonderful example that evil can take many forms. There is a lot to cover, so the movie is fast paced and keeps things rolling.
However, the movie made a few changes from the book and cut out certain aspects entirely, which left more questions than answers. For example, in the movie, Cho is the one who betrays the DA but Harry never follows up with her after learning the information was forced from her against her will. Movie watchers also never learn how Umbridge was saved from the centaurs after she was carried away.
Character Development | 9/10
Established characters grow a lot in this movie when faced with adversity and new characters, like Luna, are introduced well. This movie follows Harry overcoming the trauma of Cedric’s death. We see how these negative emotions allow Voldemort’s influence on him to grow. He struggles with morality, which adds depth to his personality as he matures.
We even get to see side characters, like Hermione and Neville, come out of their shells. Hermione isn’t afraid to openly break the rules and defy authority in order to do the right thing, and Neville stands up, not only to Death Eaters, but to the woman who tortured his parents.
Sound and Music | 8/10
The music does a very good job at establishing the mood for scenes and montages. One of the best aspects that really bring the wizarding world to life is the sound effects. From the sound of the scraping, cracking stone as the Room of Requirement door is revealed to the sounds the different spells make when being cast, all the effects are on point.
Reception and Impact | 7/10
Converting the longest book in the series (over 800 pages) into a 2 hour and 18 minute movie is impressive, but Potter fans have mixed feelings. Overall, it is a highly rated movie and well-liked by many. There are a good number of fans who are happy with the way it turned out, even if a lot from the book had to be cut, but still a lot of people who are unhappy with the adaptation. A few other complaints among unhappy reviewers is that the story is too political and that the pacing, dialogue, and acting are bad.
Final Score | 8/10
Order of the Phoenix | Book and Movie Differences
Finding Room of Requirement
In the movie, Neville finds the Room of Requirement after a run in with bullies. He desperately wants somewhere to hide and the room appears before him. In the book, Dobby, who makes a lot of appearances in the books, is the one to tell Harry how to find the Room of Requirement. Dobby refers to it as the “Come and Go Room” and explains he heard about it from the other house elves.
Who Betrays the DA
In the movie, Cho Chang is the one to tell Umbridge where the Room of Requirement is after the professor gave her Veritaserum, a truth serum. The knowledge was unwillingly pulled from her. However, in the books, Cho’s friend Marietta Edge willingly tells Umbridge where to find their meeting place. Marietta’s mother is a part of the ministry and she felt she had to choose between her mother and her friend.
Mrs. Figg
The first Harry Potter book introduces Mrs. Figg as the neighbor with a lot of cats and a house that smells like cabbage. She would watch Harry on occasion when the Dursleys didn't want him tagging along for Dudley's birthday. Harry believes she is nothing more than a common muggle until he sees her again right after the dementor attack years later.
In the movies, she isn’t introduced until the fifth one. While it’s never explained in the movies how she can see creatures from the magical world, it is in the books. She is a Squib, a person born of magical parents but has no magical powers themselves.
The Two Chosen Ones
In the movies, a subplot involving Neville is completely dropped. The prophecy in the books refers to a child born at the end of July, who’d narrowly escaped Voldemort three times, and whose parents had defied the Dark Lord. Both Neville and Harry fit this description. Neville could have been the chosen one if he’d been marked as the Dark Lord’s equal. However, when Voldemort chose to kill Harry’s parents instead and left the scar on Harry, Harry became the chosen one.
St. Mungo's Hospital
St. Mungo's Hospital is mentioned in the movie but it’s never shown. In Harry’s fifth year, after Mr. Weasley is attacked, Harry, his friends, Moody, and Mrs. Weasley go to visit Arthur. He is only shown returning home, still injured but recovering, in the movies.
Because of this cut, the movie watchers also miss out on learning more about the fate of a character from the previous movies. The trio spot Gilderoy Lockhart still at the hospital three years later, suffering from severe memory loss.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What does Voldemort want in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?
+Voldemort wants the prophecy that was made about him and Harry, but it’s hidden in the Ministry of Magic. He believes it is the key to understanding how to destroy Harry and avoid his own downfall.
What is the prophecy in the fifth Harry Potter movie?
+The book version is a bit different, but the movie version goes like this: "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. And the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not. For neither can live while the other survives."
What is the archway in the fifth Harry Potter movie?
+The stone archway that contains a mist that Sirius falls into is called the Veil and it can be found in the Death Chamber. It is believed to separate the world of life and death.
Who is the traitor in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?
+Depending on whether you’re watching the movie or reading the book, the answer will be different. In the movie, Harry’s girlfriend Cho Chang is given a truth serum and forced to tell Umbridge everything. In the books, Cho’s friend Marietta Edge tells on her willingly.
Who sent the dementors after Harry?
+It is revealed in the books that Dolores Umbridge is the one who sent the two dementors after Harry as a way of silencing him and discrediting his claim that Voldemort had returned.
Who dies in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?
+Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, is killed by Bellatrix Lestrange in the battle of the Department of Mysteries.
How long is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?
+Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is 2 hours and 18 minutes long, or 138 minutes. The book is 898 pages with 38 chapters. It is the longest Harry Potter book ever written but the second shortest movie.
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