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Author Profile

Talia Sankari

Talia is a freelance writer and PhD student studying the archaeology of the ancient world. She has a deep passion for history and an obsession with learning new things. When she’s not writing, you can find her lifting weights, reading fantasy, or searching for the best croissant in New York City.

Written Articles:

The History of Xbox | Timeline of Microsoft's Gaming Revolution

From famous exclusives to failures and flops, this article will tell you everything there is to know about your favorite video game console, Xbox!

The History of Nintendo | Timeline of the Japanese Game Giant

In this comprehensive guide on the history of Nintendo, we’re covering the Japanese video game giant that changed the world of gaming forever.

The History of Anime | Timeline of Japanese Animation History

Welcome to our guide on the history of anime! Here you’ll find everything you need to know about the origins of this unique art form!