August 12, 2024
Hoenn Legendary Pokémon Explained | Hoenn Legendary Giants, Eon Duo, and More!
The Hoenn region starts the trend of introducing many legendary and mythical Pokémon in one generation. Check out how to catch them all!

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Table of Contents +
Legendary Pokémon of Hoenn |
Number |
Location |
Regirock |
377 |
Desert Ruins |
Regice |
378 |
Island Cave |
Registeel |
379 |
Ancient Tomb |
Latias |
380 |
Southern Island (R/E)/Roaming (S) |
Latios |
381 |
Southern Island (S/E)/Roaming (R/E) |
Kyogre |
382 |
Cave of Origin (S)/Marine Cave (E) |
Groudon |
383 |
Cave of Origin (R)/Terra Cave (E) |
Rayquaza |
384 |
Sky Pillar |
Jirachi |
385 |
Event/Trade |
Deoxys |
386 |
Birth Island (Event Only) |
After traveling to Johto, Pokémon fans were excited for a new place to explore. In 2006, Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire were released in Japan, introducing players to the Hoenn region. Hoenn is a sprawling region filled with huge oceans and large swaths of land representing a yin-yang between the two elements. It is also home to some of the most iconic and frustrating Legendary Pokémon in the entire series.
Generation III introduces a ton of other things, such as new Pokémon, weather effects, contests, the Battle Frontier, and so much else. It also introduced two villain teams, Aqua and Magma, who are trying to conquer the world by capturing an all-powerful ancient Pokémon. Little do they know, these beasts are capable of way more than they expected. There is a ton of lore added to the series with these often very powerful Pokémon and it has a massive impact on the series as a whole.
All of this information also applies to the Generation VI remakes of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and, if there are differences, they will be noted in the text.
Hoenn Legendary Giants
Hoenn is home to three different sets of Legendary Pokémon. The first three Legendary Pokémon are the Legendary Giants. They are also known as the Regis as they all start with that. It should be noted that there are three other Giants that have not been introduced in the series yet: Regigigas, Regieleki, and Regidrago.
In order to encounter them, you need to first open the Sealed Chamber off of Route 134. Using Dive, you must find a Braille sign telling you to go up and you’ll enter the chamber. After finding the right mound to dig under, you’ll find a translation key which will be very helpful moving forward.

Once you enter the second chamber, you’ll find out that you need something else. If you want to release the Giants from their slumber, you need to have a Relicanth at the front of your party and a Wailord at the end. Relicanth is incredibly tough to find and catch, so good luck. At the end of the chamber, you’ll find a final inscription. It says that the Giants were sealed away out of the people’s fear of them. Spooky.
Some fans believe they are based on golems of Hebrew legend. Golems are known to be associated with an element or specific item and have writing on their heads.
Regirock | #377
The first Legendary Pokémon of the region is Regirock. Regirock was a Pokémon created by Regigigas and was sealed away due to how much fear it inspired in people. It wanders around caves and tunnels. When it gets damaged, it will find new rocks to put onto its body, which is why it looks so craggy and different colored. It is believed that it is a representation of the Stone Age of humanity.
Regirock is located in the Desert Ruins on Route 111. The Ruins are not accessible until the Sealed Chamber puzzle is completed. Once in the Ruins, there is another Braille puzzle that will tell you to move in a certain pattern and then use the move Strength. It’s different in each version of the game, other than Ruby and Sapphire where it is the same.
Unsurprisingly, this pure Rock type is a defensive tank with a Defense stat of 200. It also has a high Attack stat, so you’ll want to make this a more Physical attacker over Special. All the Giants are slow in this Generation with a Speed stat of 50. The high Defense is necessary as it is weak to five different types, the highest of the Giants.
Regice | #378
Regice was created by Regigigas as well and was also sealed away out of fear. The fear is not misplaced here as it is so cold that it can’t be melted by fire. It controls cold air that can go as frigid as -328 degrees Fahrenheit. Regice represents the Ice Age.
Regice is located in the Island Cave off of Dewford on Route 105. Once the Sealed Chamber puzzle is complete, players can get into the chamber. Yet another Braille puzzle awaits inside. In Ruby, Sapphire, and the Generation VI remakes, you have to stand still for two minutes after reading the sign.
In Emerald, you have to make a lap around the chamber while hugging the wall. This was changed between versions due to the internal batteries of GBA games running dry. Although, it’s still able to work even if the battery runs out as it is based on recorded playtime, not actual clock time.
Regice is a pure Ice type with a very high Special Defense stat of 200. Unlike Regirock, it is a Special attacker with a 100 Special Attack stat and a 50 Attack stat. Unfortunately, most of the types it is weak to are mostly Physical attackers so that Defense of 100 is really going to put in the work to keep it alive.
Registeel | #379
Registeel was created by Regigigas and was sealed away to make humans feel more at ease. It has an impenetrable body made of something that is harder than any metal. It’s hollow on the inside so no one is sure how or what this thing eats. Despite its almost futuristic appearance, it is a representation of the Iron Age.
This loveable metallic Giant is found in the Ancient Tomb on Route 120. After finishing the Sealed Chamber puzzle, the door to the Tomb opens. The Braille puzzle for this one is simple. In Ruby, Sapphire, and the remakes, you just have to use Fly when in the chamber. In Emerald, you use the move Flash.
A pure Steel type, Registeel is the balance between Regirock and Regice. It has equal Special Defense/Defense and Special Attack/Attack stats with 150 and 75 respectively. It’s also resistant to a ton of types and only weak to three. It is also the only Giant that is immune to a type. It’s a really balanced Legendary and would fit in really well on a team. The only drawback is the speed, which, like the rest of them, is a 50.
Hoenn Eon Duo
The Eon Duo were the first gendered Legendary Pokémon. They’re both deeply connected to humans and emotions. Much like most of the Legendaries and Pokémon duos in this Generation, they are said to represent the concepts of yin and yang. These two are the only Roaming Pokémon of this Generation. This means that they can be found randomly throughout the region. Once encountered one time, it can be tracked using the Pokedex. They can Mega evolve, but we will get to that later. There isn’t a whole lot of lore with these two, which is disappointing since they have pretty cool designs.
Latias | #380
Latias is the female half of the Eon duo. It’s highly sensitive to the emotions of people. It’s also covered in feathers that can react to light in a way that it becomes invisible.
Latias can be found roaming the Hoenn region after the player enters the Hall of Fame in Ruby. In Sapphire, it can be found on the Southern Island if the player has an Eon Ticket. However, it is unlikely that they’ll have one as they were event items and released as an e-card for the Nintendo E-Reader.
Latias, a Dragon/Psychic type, is INCREDIBLY fast. Both of the Eon Pokémon have a Speed stat of 110. With a Special Defense stat of 130 and a Defense stat of 90, it’s more defensive than offensive. Not that it doesn’t have good Special Attack and Attack stats at 110 and 80. It has a good type spread as well, so it would be a good addition to any team heading into the Battle Frontier.
Latios | #381
The male half of the Eon duo, Latios can make an enemy see what it sees in its mind. It can also understand human speech, like Latias. It’s said that it represents the yang portion of the yin and yang duo since yang is known to be more aggressive.
Latios can be found roaming the Hoenn region after the player enters the Hall of Fame in Sapphire. In Ruby, it can be found on the Southern Island if the player has an Eon Ticket. However, it is unlikely that they’ll have one as they were event items and released as an e-card for the Nintendo E-Reader.
Latios is the yang to Latias’ yin. Another Dragon/Psychic type, it pretty much has the inverse of Latias’ stats. It’s more aggressive so the Attack and Special Attack stats are higher at 90 and 130, respectively. Overall, it’s another great addition to a team if you need a strong and very fast attacker.
Hoenn Super - Ancient Pokémon
This legendary trio is where the meat and potatoes of Generation III really is. The Super-Ancient Pokémon, also called the Weather Trio, are the box mascots for Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. They are incredibly old and powerful creatures who can control different parts of the weather.
Long ago, Groudon and Kyogre were created through the primordial natural energy of land and sea. They created the Hoenn region through the battles they fought. The people were scared until Rayquaza showed up using its powers to stop their quarrel. A thousand years later, a meteor crashed into Earth, unleashing that energy, and causing the creatures to fight again. The meteor allowed Rayquaza to Mega Evolve. It took away the energy, which calmed the monsters into a deep slumber.
Generation III had two different teams that were trying to reawaken one of these beasts to raise or lower the sea level. After awakening one of them, it had a bigger effect on the world than they expected, causing a cataclysm unlike anything we’ve seen in the series so far. The player then has to summon Rayquaza to stop it.
Kyogre | #382

Kyogre is a primal Pokémon that can raise the sea level and expand oceans. It was in constant conflict with Groudon until Rayquaza put it into a deep sleep. Kyogre can also create giant downpours to end long droughts. It can also change its form using the Blue Orb to awaken the Primal power within it and become Primal Kyogre. This is only available in the Generation VI remakes.
Kyogre is only available in Sapphire and Emerald. In Sapphire, it is located in the Cave of Origin in Sootopolis City. This happens after Archie from Team Aqua steals the Red Orb from Mt. Pyre, thinking it’s what is used to control Kyogre. After that, Kyogre is found sleeping at the bottom of the Seafloor Cavern. Once it awakens, it goes to the Cave of Origin where you can catch it.
In Emerald, after entering the Hall of Fame, it’s in the Marine Cave, an underwater cave that can be found at one of four locations: Route 105, Route 125, Route 126, or Route 129. In order to find the correct one, you have to talk to someone at the Weather Institute who will tell you which Route is experiencing abnormal weather conditions.
Kyogre is a Special tank with high Special Attack and Special Defense at 150 and 140 respectively. It’s a pure Water-type with only two weaknesses. With a speed of 90, don’t expect it to be the fastest out of the water. However, with stats like that, you’re going to be okay. Kyogre’s ability, Drizzle, will cause it to rain on the field which strengthens water attacks. It’s a good way to buff up your already strong stats.
Groudon | #383
Groudon is another Primal Pokémon that controls some aspects of the world. It has the power to expand continents and other land masses. It fought with Kyogre until Rayquaza put it to bed. Its massive power can create droughts to stop massive rainfalls. It uses volcanoes to make land grow from the sea. Truly a fearsome beast!
You can find Groudon in Ruby and Emerald. In Ruby, it’s the same story as Kyogre. It’s in the Cave of Origin in Sootopolis. Maxie, the leader of Team Magma, steals the Blue Orb from Mt. Pyre thinking that it can control Groudon. It doesn’t, so a massive drought and harsh sunlight appear all across Hoenn. After finding Groudon in the Seafloor Cavern, it moves to the Cave of Origin for your battle.
In Emerald, Groudon is hiding in the Terra Cave after entering the Hall of Fame. Like the Marine Cave, it can be found on one of four routes: Route 114, Route 115, Route 116, and Route 118. You have to talk to the man at the Weather Institute to find out which Route it will be on.
Groudon’s stats are similar to Kyogre’s except they apply to Physical Attack and Defense instead of Special. It’s a pure Ground type which makes sense given the lore. Groudon’s ability, Drought, will make the sun shine brightly and power up fire moves. It lasts the whole battle instead of just for five turns like Sunny Day.
Rayquaza | #384
Rayquaza, the Sky High Pokémon, is responsible for getting the two dueling monsters of land and sea to go back to bed. It’s said to have lived for hundreds of millions of years. In the remakes, it adds some extra lore that it eats meteors for sustenance. They also say that Rayquaza was a cosmic dragon and is very connected to the meteoroid falling to Hoenn in the Delta Episode part of the game. As the sky protector, the player works with Rayquaza to destroy the meteor, releasing Deoxys.
Rayquaza can only be found at the Sky Pillar on Route 131. It’s blocked off in Ruby and Sapphire until you enter the Hall of Fame. Note: the Mach Bike is required to reach the top floor.
In Emerald, you have to wait until the two other super ancient Pokémon start to battle each other. In the remakes, the Pillar opens up after finishing the game for the first time and the Delta Episode starts. In order to complete the Delta Episode, Rayquaza is a required catch, so don’t worry about the outcome of that battle.
Rayquaza is a Dragon/Flying type. In true pacifist fashion, its ability, Air Lock, negates all weather effects, a true counter to Kyogre and Groudon’s abilities. As for stats, it’s an attacker with 150 for Attack and Special Attack and a 90 for Defense and Special Defense. It’s a Dragon-type so they are built for attacking to begin with. This noodle snake is also faster than its counterparts, but not by much. Out of all the super ancients, it's one of the strongest out there and this one is probably your best choice for a team.
Hoenn Mythical Pokémon
Hoenn was the first Generation to introduce multiple Mythical Pokémon. Despite being from the same region, there isn’t much connecting the two of them. They both have base stats of 600, like all Mythicals, and they each had their own starring role in a movie. Even though they aren’t connected, they both have very rich stories within the games.
Jirachi | #385
Jirachi can grant any wish written on the tags attached to its head. It sleeps for a thousand years and, even then, only wakes up for seven days to grant the wishes. While sleeping, it protects itself with a crystalized shell. The half-oval shape on its belly is actually its true eye. Jirachi is shaped like a star and grants wishes, leading many to believe that it is based on the concept of wishing on a star. It is also related to the Japanese festival of Tanabata, or Star Festival. People write their wishes on tags during the festival.
Like most Mythicals, it is mostly available during event distribution. However, there are a few other ways to get this adorable Mythical. In the US, if you happen to have the Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc, you can receive one by connecting your GBA to your GameCube. In the EU, it was distributed in the same way but on the game Pokémon Channel. In the Generation VIII remakes of Diamond and Pearl, if a player has saved data for Sword or Shield, you can get one in Floaroma Town.
Like all Mythicals up to this point, Jirachi has 600 as a base stat total with 100 in each of its stats. The biggest difference with Jirachi is the typing. It’s not a pure Psychic like previous Mythicals, but a Steel/Psychic type. This makes it resistant to nine different types and immune to one completely. Of course, the drawback is that it only has 100 in any given stat. It’s good for Speed, but not so good for Defense. It’s a mixed bag, but it’s always fun to have a Mythical on your team.
Deoxys | #386
Deoxys is an alien. It’s the first Pokémon to actually be confirmed as not from this planet. It was created due to a space virus mutating after getting shot by a laser beam. Deoxys is said to come from a meteor, which is confirmed by its appearance in the Generation VI remakes. It’s called the DNA Pokémon because it is able to alter its forme into four different ones: Normal, Attack, Speed, and Defense.
The only way to encounter Deoxys in the Generation III games, including the Generation I remakes FireRed and LeafGreen, is through an event item called the Aurora Ticket. The ticket will take you to Birth Island where you have to follow a rock around until Deoxys appears. In the Generation VI remakes, Deoxys is essentially the final boss of the Delta Episode. After Rayquaza destroys the meteor, a triangular object bursts out, releasing Deoxys. It was the first time a Mythical Pokémon was available to be caught in-game without an item or event download.
Deoxys is pretty cool. Each forme has a different set of stats, each one totaling the base total of 600. Its Normal forme makes the pure Psychic type an attacker with Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stats at 150. It’s a glass cannon in this forme, however, with low HP and defensive stats. The Attack forme makes it even more breakable, giving it a whopping 180 for both Attack stats and a 20 for both Defenses. You read that right . . . 20.
The Defense forme is a little more balanced, changing the Defensive stats to 160 and Attack stats to 70. It’s definitely more of a viable Pokémon with those changes. However, the Speed forme gives an even more balanced stat distribution with Attack stats at 95 and Defensive stats at 90. It’s called Speed forme for a reason, as the base Speed stat is 180. Sheesh.
As for adding it to your team, if you have a choice in forme, I’d recommend either Defense or Speed. Attack is way too unbalanced to be a good teammate and the normal forme has the same problem, albeit a little better. It has a decent movepool for the Defense and Speed formes so you can’t really go wrong with either.
Hoenn Legendary Mega - Evolutions and Primal Reversions
Generation VI introduced Mega Evolutions. Outside of a cool new design, Mega Evolutions offered increased stats, new abilities, and different typings. Since the remakes were released at the same time as X and Y, a lot of Hoenn Pokémon got new evolutions, including three Legendaries.
The Eon duo’s Mega Evolutions make them faster and purple. They both get buffs to their stats, each focusing on what they had in the original versions (Latias has higher Special stats, Latios has higher Physical stats). Despite the lore saying they can now reach Mach 4 speeds, their Speed stats don’t change.
Rayquaza gets more of a buff when it Mega Evolves. Its Attack stats skyrocket to 180 each and Speed increases to 115. It also gets a new ability called Delta Stream which eliminates all weather effects AND all weaknesses that the Flying type has. It's one of the strongest legendary Pokémon in the game. According to the lore, it plays a major role in Pokémon as Rayquaza was the first Pokémon to Mega Evolve due to the wishes from mankind for salvation from the endless battles between Kyogre and Groudon.
Now, those two don’t get Mega Evolutions, but they have a new forme called Primal Reversions. These Reversions give them new abilities, Primordial Sea for Kyogre and Desolate Land for Goudon. These create weather effects and nullify any Fire or Water-type attacks, respectively. They both receive stat buffs to either their Special or Physical stats.
In the lore, the Primal Reversion happens when Kyogre gets the Blue Orb or Groudon gets the Red Orb. This releases the original natural energy that they drew upon during their battles.
Hoenn had some truly incredible Legendaries and a few of the best legendary creatures that have appeared in Pokémon with tons of lore and varied uses for a team. Our next region, Sinnoh, is truly packed to the gills with Legendaries and Mythicals. There are nine Legendaries and five Mythicals to cover, so get ready!
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Frequently Asked Questions
How many Legendary and Mythical Pokémon are in the Hoenn region?
+There are eight Legendary Pokémon and two Mythical Pokémon in the Hoenn region. This is the first Generation of Pokémon to introduce more than one Mythical Pokémon in a game.
What are the Legendary Giants?
+The Legendary Giants, also known as the Regis or Legendary Titans, are Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. Regigigas, Regieleki, and Regidrago are also part of this group, but they are not introduced until later games.
What is the Eon Duo?
+The Eon Duo is the group of Pokémon that Latias and Latios belong to. They are the first gendered Legendary Pokémon and are known for their speed. They are the only Roaming Legendaries in this Generation.
What are the Super-Ancient Pokémon?
+The Super-Ancient Pokémon refer to the trio of Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza. They are also called the Weather Trio. Kyogre is the keeper of the oceans, Groudon is the keeper of the land, and Rayquaza protects the sky.
Which two Mythical Pokémon are introduced in Generation III?
+Jirachi and Deoxys are introduced in this Generation. Jirachi can grant any wish that is written on the paper on its head. Deoxys is an alien with multiple formes: Normal, Attack, Defense, and Speed.
Can any of the Generation III Legendary Pokémon Mega Evolve?
+Yes, Rayquaza, Latias, and Latios can Mega Evolve. This is due to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire being released at the same time as X and Y, the games that introduced these evolutions.
What is the lore behind the Weather Trio?
+Kyogre and Groudon were each trying to expand their respective domains. They were in constant battle until Rayquaza came down to stop their fighting. After millennia of sleeping, Team Aqua and Team Magma are trying to wake one of the Pokémon to, once again, expand their domains.
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