February 14, 2024
One Piece: Netflix Live Action | The Girl With The Sawfish Tattoo (Episode 7) | Summary, Recap, & Review
The Straw Hats head to Coco Village to save their beloved navigator. What trouble awaits? Find out in our review of episode 7 of Netflix's One Piece!

Very Good
After a bumpy episode last time, the build-up to the massive battle at Arlong Park is very well done.



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To be completely honest, the last episode left me with a bad taste in my mouth, which is a bit ironic considering that now Sanji has finally joined the crew. All the changes and liberties they took made it possibly the worst episode in the first season. This could also have a lot to do with being a One Piece fan and knowing how the original story developed. If you are a newcomer to the One Piece universe, then chances are you enjoyed it quite a bit more.
Now it’s time to make way into the next episode, and it’s going to be a tough one. This episode covers some of the most iconic and most emotional parts of the entire East Blue Saga.
Coco Village, Nami’s mission, and her backstory are key elements, and for many viewers, these were the moments they got hooked to the series for good. You could say this could be the test of fire for the live-action adaptation. Can it capture the poignant essence and spirit that made this story arc so impactful and beloved by fans? Or will it fall short of reaching the dramatic heights of the source material?
As devotees of the manga and anime hold their breath, newcomers simply eager for adventure may be more receptive to whatever fresh take the showrunners have conjured up. But, for all viewers, expectations will be high going into this pivotal episode covering renowned moments in One Piece history. Will the live-action pass its trial by fire or get burned in the attempt? Let's set sail and find out.
The Girl With The Sawfish Tattoo (Episode 7) | Summary & Recap
Nami’s Motivations | A Crew Divided
The episode opens on the deck of the Going Merry as Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp sail along on the endless blue sea. Without their navigator Nami, they are quite lost. Luffy holds the detached, talking head of Buggy the Clown in his hands. Though Buggy is displeased to be aboard the ship of his enemy, Luffy had spared his life back in Orange Town and now Buggy begrudgingly agrees to help guide the crew to find Nami.
As the ship drifts along slowly, Zoro and Usopp get into a heated argument about Nami's motivations. Zoro firmly believes that Nami has betrayed them and joined up with the villainous fishman pirate Arlong, just as she said she originally planned to do. In Zoro's mind, Nami used the kindness of the crew to steal their map and then promptly abandoned them for her true nefarious purposes.
Usopp strongly disagrees with Zoro's assessment. While initially suspicious of Nami as well, he has come to see her good heart and refuses to think she would betray them so cruelly. Usopp argues that there must be more to the story and hidden reasons behind Nami's actions that they do not yet understand.
Luffy listens quietly as his two crewmates dispute. Ever the simple-minded optimist, he mediates between them with surprising wisdom. Luffy reminds Zoro and Usopp that without hearing directly from Nami, they have no right to pass judgment on her or her motives. The only path forward is to find their lost navigator so she can explain the truth in her own words. Though Zoro stubbornly holds onto his anger, Usopp seems relieved that their captain has not given up on Nami.
The Past | The Present
The scene abruptly transitions to a bright sun-drenched grove filled with tangerine trees. Playing happily amongst them is a young girl with short ginger hair - a child version of Nami, no older than ten. With her runs another young girl with blue hair - Nojiko, Nami's adoptive sister. The pair gleefully climb the trees and pick fruit as an adult woman with purple hair lovingly looks on.
This is Bellemere, the woman who took in orphaned Nami and Nojiko and raised them as her own. Bellemere playfully scolds the girls as they sneak bites of the unripened tangerines, but cannot hide her affectionate smile. This is a joyful memory of Nami's childhood in the seaside Coco Village.
The nostalgic scene suddenly cuts to a gloomy, run-down carnival tent, jarringly transitioning young carefree Nami to her current troubled state. Gone is the smiling, bright-eyed girl from the grove. Nami, now slouched at a table in the dilapidated carnival, is harsher, her eyes cold and shoulders weighed down by some invisible burden. Around her sits a crew of villainous-looking fishmen, playing cards and laughing raucously.
This is Arlong Park, stronghold of the fishman pirate Arlong and his crew. Nami grimaces as one of the fishmen calls out her name. She rises silently from the table to answer the summons, her body language projecting fear and uncertainty, making it clear this place is her prison, not her home.
Nami is brought before the massive sawshark fishman Arlong, captain of the crew. He orders her to go immediately to Coco Village and collect the monthly tributes owed to him by the inhabitants there. Upon hearing this command, Nami becomes visibly distressed.
She tries to object, stating that she is unwelcome in the village now, seen as nothing but Arlong's thieving accomplice. The cruel pirate will not be swayed. He makes it clear Nami has no choice in the matter, commanding her obedience with thinly veiled threats. Begrudgingly, Nami acquiesces, knowing she is trapped under Arlong's power.
Marines at Baratie | Zeff and Garp
Meanwhile, at the floating sea restaurant Baratie, a Marine ship pulls into port. From it disembarks Vice Admiral Garp, hero of the Marines. With him are his subordinates Bogard, Koby, and Helmeppo. They request an audience with the head chef and owner, the former pirate Red Leg Zeff. Once seated in the restaurant with Zeff, Garp explains he is seeking information on the whereabouts of the young pirate Monkey D. Luffy. Zeff claims to know nothing, but cannily offers the Marines a free meal instead, which they dig into eagerly.
After his subordinates have left earshot, Garp speaks privately with Zeff. He acknowledges that Zeff, like himself, is now on the right side of the law after years of piracy. Garp says he has no issue with former pirates who now walk the straight path. He warns that the next generation of rookie pirates must be dealt with or they could grow into serious threats like the former Pirate King Gold Roger.
At the mention of Roger's name, understanding dawns on Zeff's face. He solemnly tells Garp that the young Luffy does indeed remind him very much of the late Pirate King. This statement fills Garp with consternation, realizing now why he feels such a strange, inherent desire to protect Luffy from harm.
An Icy Reception | Nojiko
Back in Coco Village, Nami has returned, but stands alone in the street, avoided by all. The once-idyllic town now lies in ruins from Arlong's vicious attack years ago. As the villagers bring their meager tribute payments to Nami, they regard her with looks of scorn and betrayal. Even her own sister Nojiko passes by silently, making a show of spitting at Nami's feet before storming off. Nami bears this treatment with a stony face.
Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Sanji observe the unfolding scene from the village outskirts, obscured from view. Witnessing the destruction and suffering around them, they now understand that there is truly more to Nami's story with Arlong than they realized. Luffy decides the time has come to make themselves known and offer aid to their troubled crewmate.
But, when they approach Nami directly, she rebuffs them. She claims her only goal was always to steal their map and deliver it to Arlong. Luffy is undeterred by her harsh words, promising they will not abandon her. Nami remains steadfast, shouting at them to leave her in peace. Dejectedly, the Straw Hats withdraw for the time being.
Before leaving Coco Village, the crew decide to speak with Nami's sister Nojiko, in the hopes she can shed light on what exactly transpired between Nami and Arlong. They find Nojiko at the modest cottage where she, Nami, and Bellemere once lived happily. A tangerine grove still grows on the property, untended but surviving. Nojiko is suspicious at first when Luffy asks about her adoptive sister. Sanji is able to charm his way through the door with offers of preparing a meal using the tangerines outside.
Once inside, Nojiko finally opens up about the traumatic past that changed Nami's life forever. She describes how, as children, their idyllic existence was shattered when Arlong and his pirates invaded Coco Village and occupied it as their home base. Arlong demanded outrageous sums of money as "tribute" from every villager, killing those who did not comply.
When Bellemere could not pay for herself, Nojiko, and Nami, she sacrificed her life so the money could be used to buy her daughters' safety instead. After this horrific ordeal, Nojiko explains that Nami vowed to free the village by earning enough money to buy it back from Arlong by whatever means necessary - even if it meant joining him.
This tale fills in many gaps about Nami's motivations. While Zoro remains bitter, feeling Nami still betrayed their trust, Luffy is as determined as ever to rescue her from Arlong's clutches. Usopp and Sanji also agree they cannot abandon their crewmate. Together, the Straw Hats reaffirm their commitment to helping Nami defeat Arlong and reclaim her home.
Nezumi’s Betrayal | Nami’s Plea for Help
Nearby, hidden in the tangerine grove, the real Nami listens silently as her sister finishes the painful story. She clutches a small treasure chest to her. Within is the exorbitant sum of 100 million berries, every penny dishonestly earned over years of serving Arlong, but with the sole aim of buying her village's freedom. Tonight was to be the night she finally fulfilled her promise and freed Coco from his reign.
However, as Nami turns to sneak away, she finds her path blocked by a Marine - Captain Nezumi, a crooked subordinate of Arlong's. He takes the chest from Nami's hands, revealing he and Arlong plotted together to steal it from her before she could complete the deal. Nami screams and desperately fights to take it back, but Nezumi easily overpowers her and runs off into the night with her hard-earned treasure. Falling to her knees, Nami realizes with horror that after all these years Arlong never intended to let her buy back Coco Village at all.
Utterly distraught, Nami stumbles down the path toward Arlong Park, tears clouding her vision. As she walks, she repeatedly stabs at the sawfish tattoo on her shoulder - a symbol of Arlong's dominion over her - using a small pen knife. In her grief and devastation, she starts to become reckless, violently slashing at her own skin. Suddenly, hands grab her wrist, stopping her from blindly hurting herself further. Nami looks up with tearful eyes to see Luffy standing over her, his face set with determination. He tells her that he now understands what she has suffered and he will not stand by any longer.
Nami breaks down, the emotional dam inside her finally bursting as she clings to Luffy's waist. She sobs and begs Luffy to help her, to save her village and free her from this nightmare. With tears of relief rather than sorrow, Nami finally reveals her true heart's desire, asking for Luffy's aid. Luffy takes her hands in his and makes a solemn vow that he will defeat Arlong and his crew once and for all.
The Girl With The Sawfish Tattoo (Episode 7) | Analysis and Review
Plenty of fish in the sea, and changes too!
While trying to stay true to the spirit of the original story, the live-action adaptation of the beloved Arlong Park arc makes a number of changes from the anime and manga. From visual changes to altered backstories and characters, many details have been tweaked or streamlined for the show's transition to live-action. Some of the most notable differences and additions include:
Arlong Park is presented as a carnival venue rather than a simple base.
Destruction of Gosa Village only referenced, not shown.
The fan favorite octopus fishman Hatchan is replaced by the pufferfishman Hachi.
Cocoyasi Village is renamed Coco Village.
The map room is now the entire top floor of Arlong Park.
Bellemere, not Genzo, confronts Nami about stealing.
Genzo is missing his signature pinwheel hat in the present.
The villagers are unaware of Nami's true motives.
Buggy joins the Straw Hats on their journey…. Well, at least his head.
Garp, Koby, and Helmeppo have a completely new plotline.
Overall Score: 7/10
At first glance, Netflix’s live-action adaptation of the beloved One Piece anime seems like a daunting challenge. This retelling of the classic Arlong Park arc manages to stay true to the spirit of the source material while taking enough creative liberties to feel fresh.
Die-hard fans may miss some of the most emotional moments from the original that fail to land as strongly here, like Nami’s tearful plea for Luffy’s help. Yet this could be attributed to limitations of live-action over animation for portraying extreme emotions, rather than an inherent flaw with the adaptation decisions.
Overall, many of the most important narrative beats remain intact, transporting viewers back to this pivotal early chapter of the Straw Hats’ journey. The episode adeptly hits the significant points needed to propel Luffy and his crew towards their destined clash with Arlong while still weaving in new twists.
The visual overhaul of Arlong Park into a dazzling carnival-like lair demonstrates a willingness to go beyond just recreating the anime. This establishes Arlong’s deception and glamour in ruling over Coco Village. The change to Nami willingly proposing a deal with Arlong also adds more agency to her character.
Smart streamlining choices help keep the focus on the core emotional spine, like referencing rather than showing the destruction of Gosa Village. Yet at other times, additions like Buggy accompanying the crew expand the world in fun ways a live-action format can uniquely allow.
However, some backstory trimming causes missteps. The unawareness of Coco Village residents to Nami’s true motives makes their scorn for her feel crueler than intended. Removing Bellemere’s praise of Nami’s map-making loses a poignant piece of their bond, her supportive mothering of a lost child.
The cast exhibits earnest enthusiasm, although the acting falters on sharply conveying the most wrenching dramatic moments. This holds back the full emotional weight compared to the striking gravitas of seeing animated Nami’s anguished cries animated on-screen.
Yet centering Nami and Nojiko’s sisterly relationship still resonates. Their tragic backstory, though slightly tweaked, preserves the heartbreaking loss that fuels Nami’s motivations. Likewise, Luffy’s unwavering faith in his navigator despite her perceived betrayal captures his steadfast loyalty from the classic storyline. Zoro’s bitterness and Usopp’s defense of Nami in the opening argument also characterize their different perspectives well.
The episode balances plenty of loving homages for avid One Piece fans with some newly invented scenes to surprise them. Easter eggs like the mermaid queen playing cards and hidden cameos reward close observation while still serving the story.
At its core, this live-action take succeeds in hitting the essential notes that propel Luffy towards his destined showdown with Arlong to liberate Nami. It exhibits both a reverence for the source material and a willingness to reinvent aspects to maximize the new medium’s strengths.
Could some scenes have better captured the emotional heights of the anime through stronger performances? Certainly. Yet the poignant essence of the Arlong Park arc perseveres nonetheless. For all its dilution of individual moments, the sum total remains surprisingly faithful to capturing what gave this early One Piece saga such resonance.
This experimental retelling neither fully ascends to the greatness of the anime nor completely loses sight of what made the original a masterpiece. It ultimately remains an intriguing new interpretation more than a replacement for experiencing the untouchable source material. Yet it may still grant casual viewers or One Piece newcomers an appreciation of what has enthralled fans for decades in the manga’s pages and the anime’s episodes.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What does the seventh episode of the live action adaptation of One Piece cover?
+What are the main differences in the Arlong Park arc between the live-action series and the manga/anime?
+Why was Nami extorting Coco Village?
+Who are Bell-Mere and Nojiko?
+Do I need to watch the anime to understand the live-action?
+Are all of the episodes of the One Piece live-action series available?
+How can fans watch the One Piece live-action series?
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