January 29, 2024
One Piece: Water 7 Arc | Summary, Recap, & Review
Luffy and his Straw Hats deal with a broken ship, a heartbroken Nakama, and a new threat in the Water 7 arc. Check out this review to see what happens!

The Water 7 arc is not only an phenomenal story, but sets up the next arc perfectly.


Franky's backstory is tragically beautiful.

Excellent worldbuilding in the city of Water 7.

The Usopp/Luffy fight is one of the highlights of the show thus far.


The ending felt incomplete even though it leads into Enies Lobby.

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Table of Contents +
The Water 7 arc is the beginning of a major turning point for the Straw Hat Pirates. After their adventures in the East Blue and Sky Islands, the crew finally reaches the Grand Line's dangerous first half. The bustling canals and facades of Water 7 hide intrigue and enemies beyond anything they’ve faced.
The story expands in emotional depth as bonds of loyalty and friendship are tested like never before. Each crew member is challenged to decide how far they'll go to protect loved ones - and whether the ends can ever justify means that go against their hearts.
Thrilling battles and stunning revelations await, alongside poignant moments of introspection. Most importantly, this arc provides fans with their first real taste of the World Government's immense power and corruption. Within the winding streets, the Straw Hats come face to face with Cipher Pol No. 9 (CP9) - elite assassins answering only to the hidden rulers of the world. With Luffy's usual brazen approach ineffective against the government's shadowy might, the crew must rely on each other more than ever.
So prepare to embark on an adventure where loyalty is questioned, friendships tested, and the crew must unite against threats beyond imagination!
Water 7 Arc | Summary & Recap
The City of Water: Arrival at Water 7
After a dangerous encounter with Aokiji that left them shaken, the Straw Hat Pirates continue sailing the seas in search of adventure. Along the way, they spot an enormous frog named Yokozuna intensely competing in a test of strength against the famous Sea Train Puffing Tom. Luffy, excited by the prospect of food, orders the crew to chase after Yokozuna, leading them straight to the outskirts of Water 7.
At Water 7 station, they befriend the locals: the eccentric stationmaster named Kokoro, her precocious granddaughter Chimney, and their bizarre pet rabbit Gonbe which acts more like a cat or stuffed animal. After Yokozuna is sent hurtling through the air, he is revealed to be perfectly unharmed. Kokoro explains that the Sea Train is a railroad that connects the nearby islands for trade and transport. She strongly recommends the pirates sail onward to Water 7 city itself to have the renowned shipwrights of Galley-La Company repair their badly damaged ship.
Arriving in Water 7's unique fountain-like canals, the Straw Hats dock the Going Merry and split up to handle business around town:
- Seeking to exchange gold doubloons for cash, Luffy, Nami and Usopp head inland through the city's maze of canals and streets.
- Robin and Chopper disembark to wander the sights and explore the shops, libraries, and galleries of the bustling port city.
- Zoro stays behind on the Merry to stand guard and prevent any trouble in the crew's absence.
- Sanji also goes ashore on his own whim to casually explore the city's offerings of cafes, markets and womanly attractions.
While walking the busy streets lined with shops and vendors, Robin's path fatefully crosses a mysterious figure who solemnly addresses her as CP9. Utterly shocked, Robin is left frozen and speechless as the figure disappears into the crowds. When Chopper exits a local bookstore, Robin has vanished without a trace or explanation.
Back on the ship, Zoro easily trounces a group of invading bounty hunters seeking to collect the crew's massive reward money. In town, Luffy's group successfully barters their gold for a whopping 300 million beri, providing much needed funds for repairs and supplies.
At the famed shipyard known as Dock 1, they are greeted by Kaku, a friendly and accommodating shipwright foreman. He reveals that assessing and approving their urgently needed repairs must go directly through Iceburg - Galley-La's president and also Water 7's esteemed mayor.
Just then, a gang of masked thieves ambush Usopp on the city streets. They violently mug him, stealing a full 200 million beri of the crew's precious exchanged funds. The public street robbery captures the attention of the entire city.
As they use the canals to flee, the robbers soon reveal themselves as the Franky Family, a local gang of rogue dismantlers led by the eccentric fugitive cyborg Franky. He has been constructing powerful weapons from ship parts and is at constant odds with the Galley-La shipwrights.
Seeking immediate vengeance, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Chopper follow the sounds of partying to furiously assault the Franky Family's waterfront base.
However, they discover Franky has already absconded with mountains of loot from their heist. Furious over these repeated thefts by the Franky Family, Luffy makes a tough decision - they'll take what funds they have left to buy a new ship and abandon the badly damaged Going Merry for good.
Leaving Friends Behind: The Crew Splits Apart

Back aboard the Merry, the painful truth is broken to Usopp. After a thorough inspection by Galley-La's experts, the ship is far beyond any feasible repair. However, Usopp adamantly insists abandoning their ship essentially means abandoning a Nakama.
Staunchly unwilling to give up on Merry, he challenges Luffy as captain to a fateful duel for ownership and control of the ship. As the sun sets over the famed City of Water, the two face off on the deserted deck they know so well.
Despite Usopp unleashing a wide array of new attacks and gadgets, Luffy's eventual victory is a foregone conclusion. The sniper puts up a tremendous fight powered by his love for Merry, but cannot overcome Luffy's immense strength.
Yet out of profound respect for Usopp's devotion, Luffy grants him ownership of the Merry. With emotions running high and their hearts heavy, the remaining crew abandon the Going Merry, their beloved home for many adventures. They sorrowfully watch it grow smaller in the distance, carrying their former Nakamas away from Water 7's shores.
Iceburg’s Plight: Assassination Failed
The next morning, alarming news spreads rapidly across Water 7 - mayor Iceburg has been shot and nearly killed in a failed assassination attempt while inside his stately home. While Luffy and Nami rush to visit the hospitalized Iceburg for clues, the others scour the city for any trace of Robin, who may be lost and in danger.
From his sickbed, Iceburg provides a shocking revelation - he was attacked under cover of night by none other than Nico Robin, along with a mysterious masked man whose face he never saw. Growing highly suspicious of a hidden agenda, Luffy breaks into Iceburg's well-guarded waterside mansion in broad daylight, brazenly demanding to see Robin.
However, an enraged and hyper-vigilant Iceburg quickly shoots through the window at the Luffy. The mayor's crack shot grazes Luffy's face, forcing his rapid escape back into Water 7's twisting canals.
Elsewhere, Sanji and Chopper manage to locate Robin discreetly wandering the city's back alleys but she insists on exiting the crew for reasons unknown. She disappears again before they can stop her or discern her motives.
Luffy concludes that Robin may be forced against her will to act as an enemy, perhaps being blackmailed or threatened. The crew decide their only recourse is to stake out the mansion and learn the truth during the next inevitable assassination attempt.
The Masked Assassins: CP9 Strikes
Under the dark veil of night, a group of five mysterious masked intruders invade Iceburg's waterside mansion, slipping past outer defenses. Believing Luffy created an intentional distraction, Nami, Zoro and Chopper also slip inside through upper story windows, anticipating dangerous enemy encounters.
However, they soon realize Luffy is stuck, helplessly wedged between two buildings after recklessly rocketing himself across the city. Instead of a distraction, his absence left them completely on their own while sneaking into the well-guarded mansion full of foes.
The band of masked marauders reveal themselves as members of the legendary CP9, a deadly government-sponsored assassin group. Their true aim is obtaining the closely-guarded blueprints for the ancient doomsday weapon Pluton. Iceburg inherited them from his mentor, Tom.
CP9's ranks include four particularly skilled members - Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa, and Blueno. These four assassins had been operating undercover for years disguised as Galley-La shipwrights. Despite the Straw Hats' valiant efforts at defense, the four CP9 agents prove unstoppable, wielding unimaginable super-human powers gained through intense lifelong Rokushiki martial arts training.
Adding insult to injury, Robin herself appears and willingly leaves with CP9 into the night. With a heavy heart, she cryptically tells her friends that she simply cannot fulfill her dream while remaining with the crew. After setting the mansion ablaze as a distraction, CP9 escapes with Robin now their hostage.
Enraged at this betrayal, Luffy desperately pursues across the rooftops but cannot catch the agent's swift boat as it slips away. Vowing to get Robin back, he rallies his scattered crew for a rescue mission.

Now requiring a new method of extracting Pluton's plans, CP9 switches priorities to capturing Franky. They know the cyborg owns the genuine blueprints copied from Tom through Iceburg years before.
Meanwhile, a massive storm called Aqua Laguna is buffeting Water 7 and the surrounding area. While Usopp is trying to fix the ship, Franky rescues Usopp and Merry from the devastating winds. At his hideout, Franky shows his expertise and confirms to Usopp that the ship is damaged beyond repair, no matter how much they love her.
He even explains to Usopp that the entity he had seen repairing the ship back in Skypiea could have been the ship’s Klabautermann. This is a personification of the ship itself brought to life by the crew’s immense love for their ship. This emotional moment between Franky, Usopp, and the Merry would not last long, as CP9 arrives and beats Franky without mercy when he refuses to reveal the hidden location of the plans.
Living with Pride: Franky's Past
Through an extensive flashback, Franky's hidden past and origins are revealed. As a feisty, foul-mouthed young apprentice, he trained in the art of shipbuilding under the eccentric fish-man shipwright, Tom. His fellow apprentices were the taciturn Iceburg and giant frog Yokozuna.
However, Tom drew worldwide controversy after being identified as the builder of the Oro Jackson - the legendary final ship of the deceased Pirate King Gol D. Roger.
Refusing to apologize for following his calling as a shipbuilder, Tom was soon arrested by the government for this alleged capital crime
Rather than give up quietly, Tom leveraged his sentencing. To avoid execution, he proposed creating an unprecedented Sea Train to connect and modernize the islands of the then-primitive Grand Line. In exchange, his prosecution would be postponed for 10 long, grueling years while work commenced.
Despite being deemed impossible to complete in only a decade, Tom and his apprentices tirelessly labored day and night. Through hard work and teamwork, miracles ensued - they completed construction of the first ever Sea Train right on schedule, mere days before the deadline.
During the maiden voyage carrying government officials, Tom was framed for attempting to attack the judicial ship. The devious plot was orchestrated by Spandam of CP5 who despised Tom's pride in his craft.
Tom took the fall by pleading guilty so his beloved apprentices would be spared a lifetime of being hunted by the government for their association with him. Before being dragged away in chains, Tom entrusted Iceburg and Franky with permanently safeguarding the forbidden ancient blueprints for Pluton, a massive naval battleship capable of incredible destruction. He knew that the ancient weapon's existence threatened the World Government's power and authority.
A devastated Franky furiously tried stopping the Sea Train to Enies Lobby, a World Government superprison, but ultimately failed. Four years after his mentor's sacrificial death, Franky reluctantly passed custody of the highly dangerous blueprints to his fellow apprentice Iceburg. He was finally forced to leave his hometown of Water 7 for good with government agents on his trail.
Another Sea Train: Voyage to Enies Lobby
At Franky's hidden basement lair beneath Water 7, CP9 completes their mission by capturing Franky and Usopp. The Going Merry is released and abandoned into the raging waters of the Aqua Laguna.
Riding aboard the stolen Sea Train Puffing Tom, CP9 makes haste to Enies Lobby while guarding their hostages Robin and Franky. However, Sanji stealthily sneaks aboard the train after them, clinging to the outside rails to avoid detection.
Meanwhile, a gravely wounded Iceburg reveals to the Straw Hats that Robin's perceived betrayal was actually a noble sacrifice. By appearing to cooperate, she sought to protect them from the government unleashing the Buster Call - a massive, island-destroying naval bombardment capable of wiping Water 7 from the map.
Inspired by this, Luffy declares his intent to rescue Robin. In hot pursuit of the train, he and his crew take the prototype Sea Train Rocketman built by Tom, aided by allies they have made - carpenter Paulie, Franky Family members, and the train conductors Kokoro and Chimney. Through teamwork, they gain ground on the fleeing CP9.
Aboard Puffing Tom, the intruding Straw Hats Sanji and Franky team up with the masked Sniper King called Sogeking. It’s clearly Usopp in disguise which the two point out. Although Sogeking declares his ignorance of the one they call Usopp, Sanji and Franky are not fooled.
The trio fight past agents car by car in search of Robin. Upon reuniting with her, she still refuses rescue, adhering to her selfless bargain with CP9 to prevent untold destruction befalling Water 7. After a desperate and dangerous journey racing across the raging waves of Aqua Laguna, the Rocketman finally completes its maiden voyage, arriving determinedly at Enies Lobby. Luffy and Zoro leap ashore, leading the charge to directly storm the government stronghold where Robin is captive.
Breaking Down Water 7 | In Depth Analysis
Emotional Depth and Convictions Tested
The Water 7 and Enies Lobby arcs represent a major turning point in One Piece's grand adventure. As a fan, I was captivated by seeing the bonds between Straw Hats tested like never before. This epic saga expanded the scope of the world and raised the stakes to unprecedented heights.
In particular, learning about Robin's tragic past and seeing her stoic sacrifice hit me right in the feels. It was an emotional gut punch realizing how she had been running her whole life, never letting anyone get close. Her faith in Luffy's crew by allowing them all to escape, even at the cost of her own freedom, showed how much their friendship meant after a lifetime of loneliness. She found a family worth sacrificing for.
I have to applaud how Usopp's devotion to the Going Merry was portrayed so genuinely. His tearful duel with Luffy cut deep because you can understand both viewpoints. Their eventual goodbye made their unbreakable friendship shine through this trial. Luffy's compassion in letting Usopp keep Merry showed his wisdom as captain.
Of course Luffy's decision to lead a daring invasion of Enies Lobby itself to save Robin from CP9 showcased his iron-clad convictions. Storming the government stronghold was another defining moment for his character. Though the assassins overpowered them at first using Rokushiki techniques, eventually the crew's teamwork and faith in one another triumphed over these seemingly impossible odds. They emerged from the battle with their resolve stronger than ever.
Bonds Forged Even Stronger
This epic saga also introduced amazing new allies, like Franky. Seeing his hidden workshop where the Pirate King's ship Oro Jackson was built brought everything full circle. His change of heart upon witnessing the Straw Hats' dedication to saving Robin showed the true power of their bonds. Their actions forged Franky's own loyalty in steel.
The tragic backstory with his mentor Tom was crucial for Franky's introduction. It perfectly intertwined his origins with the main plotline and greater lore. His protecting Robin gave deeper meaning to Franky inheriting the Pluton blueprints.
The reveal of CP9's infiltration of Water 7 shows fans the World Government's corruption firsthand. They’re ruthless agents who would stop at nothing to get those ancient weapon plans, even destroying the whole city if deemed necessary. It exposed the insidious darkness lurking beneath the surface of everyday life.
Merry and Usopp Parallels
The Going Merry was not simply a means of transportation for the Straw Hat crew, but a beloved companion that had sailed with them since the East Blue. Abandoning their damaged ship cut far deeper than a practical decision - it represented a painful severing of emotional ties.
This was especially true for Usopp, who served as Merry's caretaker in his role as sniper and tinkerer. To him, the ship embodied a physical manifestation of his own place on the crew. Both had joined Luffy's quest in the humble village of Syrup, and grew alongside the fledgling band of pirates.
Merry developed her own personality over their shared voyages, earning a special place in each crew member's heart. Her growing fragility and subsequent breakdown at Water 7 mirrored Usopp's inner turmoil. Despite desperate repairs, he knew the ship was nearly beyond salvation, much like his fears of being left behind by the crew's exponential growth in strength.
The parallels extended even further - Merry's timber was badly cracked but still holding together, while Usopp's facade of confidence barely masked deep self-doubt. When expert shipwrights declared Merry beyond saving, Usopp felt they were declaring him useless as well. He clung fiercely to the dying ship which had been his sanctuary. To him, abandoning Merry meant admitting his own weakness and unimportance. Usopp subconsciously projected his personal insecurities onto the vulnerable vessel.
Letting go of Merry forced an excruciating acknowledgment - the foundations of the past could not carry them forward. But, growth demands change. Just as the crew required a new ship to progress their voyage, they needed to become stronger both individually and together.
Usopp's tearful duel against Luffy encapsulated his desperate attempt to stop the hands of time, to preserve his nostalgic connection to Merry. Defeat opened his eyes to the inevitable truth - holding onto the past prevents moving towards the future.
Defining Themes Established
In many ways, I see the Water 7 and Enies Lobby arcs as important points in defining One Piece's central themes. Those of unwavering faith in your Nakama and remaining loyal no matter how difficult the odds which Oda masterfully wove throughout the narrative.
Though their relationships were tested in unprecedented ways, the Straw Hats ultimately emerged stronger than ever through reinforcing their bonds. This epic adventure challenged the characters and the fans alike to think about what truly matters most to a Straw Hat - the answer being steadfast friendship above all.
These poignant lessons and memories will carry on in the crew's future voyages across the Grand Line. After witnessing such astonishing conviction in action, I stand in awe of the passion and emotional depth portrayed throughout this unforgettable arc.
Water 7 Arc | Review
Animation and Visuals | 8.8/10
The imaginative cityscape of Water 7 stands as one of the most vibrant settings brought to life in the anime, with its network of crisscrossing canals and cascading fountains creating a palpable sense of place. Characters introduced like the eccentric Franky Family and enigmatic CP9 agents also showcase some of the most creative and memorable designs.
The Luffy-Usopp duel for the destiny of the Going Merry is one of the strongest moments in this arc. The clear visual tension of the battle is amazing, we even get some taste of western elements too. The way we see the memories of the crew from the point of view of the Merry is a solid tear-inducing moment.
The Aqua Laguna and the sinking city has a solid Studio Ghibli vibe to it. The threat of a giant wave is represented as if it was some kind of monster. Since the sea is one of the main forces at play in One Piece, it is amazing to see it brought to life by the impending threat of the Aqua Laguna and in such a masterful way.
From the imaginative establishing shots of the canal-woven city to the menacing new foes, from the hard-hitting fights to the emotional character moments, Water 7 represents a high for One Piece's already impressive visual storytelling. The masterful blend of thrilling action, poignant drama, and rich atmosphere make it an unforgettable viewing experience.
Character Development | 9.5/10
The Water 7 arc represents critical foundation-building for the Straw Hats' emotional growth ahead rather than overt development. We get tantalizing glimpses into the past traumas of newer members like Robin through her shocking encounter with CP9, hinting at deeper wounds soon to surface.
The conflict between steadfast captain Luffy and insecure loyalist Usopp over the fate of Going Merry adds layers to both, showcasing devotion in different forms - one to the future, and one to the past. Their painful rift highlights character complexities that will fuel future growth.
While Water 7 refrains from dedicating extensive focus to outright change, it plants pivotal seeds - the tragedy of Tom that shaped Franky's life, Robin's cryptic history with the government fueling her isolation, the necessary grief of abandoning Merry to continue the voyage. This foundation will pay off exponentially when the crew is tested to their absolute limits at Enies Lobby.
Overall, Water 7 feels akin to the deep calm before an Aqua Laguna. It introduces the central conflicts, relationships, and backstories that will drive the development of the Straw Hats across the entire saga. When viewed in its wider context, this arc provides crucial setup through subtle hints at motivations and inner turmoil soon to transform the characters. Their full emotional depths have only begun to be unveiled.
As the stage-setting precursor to one of One Piece's most acclaimed arcs, Water 7 succeeds masterfully in its purpose - forging bonds and highlighting flaws that will soon be challenged to their breaking point, forcing growth under unimaginable pressure. The emotional crucible awaits.
Sound and Music | 8/10
The supporting role of the audio in this arc is clear at first, but if you dig deep enough, you’ll notice some subtle elements in the soundtrack that make the usual music and sounds jump to life here.
Franky’s tunes are solid. They are pretty funny and let us know all we need to know about this rockabilly cyborg right from the first note. The music in the Usopp-Luffy duel gives the scene the tension and drama required for such a powerful and iconic.
Overall, the music fulfills its role perfectly and when it needs to shine, it does.
Reception and Impact | 10/10
On its own merits, Water 7 delivers an excellent self-contained arc overflowing with dramatic weight. The gut-wrenching choice to leave Usopp and the beloved Merry behind will haunt fans for years. Moments like Luffy and Usopp's tear-filled duel cemented their bond in viewers' hearts.
Yet, Water 7's true brilliance lies in enhancing the monumental Enies Lobby arc that follows. It succeeds triumphantly as a crucial rising action, carefully establishing emotional stakes and deepening character bonds that fully pay off later. The groundwork laid through the hints of Robin's past trauma and the crew's unfinished business with CP9 creates gripping anticipation.
The poignant unresolved threads left trailing build yearning in viewers' hearts, making the cathartic resolutions to come at Enies Lobby all the more satisfying. Therein lies Water 7's true lasting impact and legacy - serving as the integral calm before a storm, the first ascent before an unprecedented peak. As a masterful buildup, it enables the saga to climax as an all-timer beloved by generations.
The reception of the arc in the community is top notch, especially since we are coming from arcs with rather controversial receptions, such as Skypiea and Long Ring Long Land. This arc feels like a rollercoaster in all the good ways. Overall, it’s an incredibly enjoyable arc and a key one for the Straw Hats’ journey.
Overall Score | 9/10
The Water 7 saga is without a doubt one of the greatest in One Piece's storied history. As a diehard fan, I was glued to the screen from start to heart-wrenching finish. Oda's masterful storytelling reels you in slowly before landing gut punch after gut punch.
Arriving in the vibrant canal city of Water 7 signaled a major shift in the adventure. The place felt alive - crowded shops, babbling fountains, locals shouting across the waterways. You could tell this was somewhere special from the jump.
But an ominous cloud hovers under the surface. Learning the beloved Going Merry is damaged beyond saving devastates both the crew and fans. That ship's part of the family after countless voyages together! Abandoning her would be like losing a piece of themselves.
Poor Usopp takes it the hardest of all. Having served as Merry's caretaker since their humble East Blue days, they share an unbreakable bond. Her deterioration mirrors his own self-doubt. That's why he fights Luffy with such desperation to keep her. Their tear-jerking duel conveyed Nakama stronger than words ever could.
Robin's disappearance left me anxious. Her tense encounter with that CP9 guy, Pigeon, hinted at a deeper history. You just knew Oda was teasing future reveals about her mysterious past. My mind raced imagining what secrets Robin might be hiding.
Of course, we can't forget the larger-than-life introduction of Franky! At first he seemed like a loudmouth punk, and we even took him for quite the bad guy, but his emotional backstory won me over. Their bond tied perfectly into the overarching Pluton plotline.
While the arc’s finale left some threads hanging, that exemplifies Oda's expert pacing. Water 7 exists largely to set the stage, establishing stakes and relationships to maximize the next arc's payoff. Oda crafted the perfect transition into Enies Lobby's climactic confrontations. His restraint built hungry anticipation for the oncoming storm.
Now with bated breath, I eagerly await witnessing it all come to a head! If the ending provides catharsis to these unresolved threads, this will undoubtedly rank among One Piece's finest hours. I wholeheartedly trust Oda to deliver an emotionally epic finale. The man always saves room for tears!

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Frequently Asked Questions
How many episodes is the Water 7 arc?
+In the anime, the Water 7 arc is episodes 229 to 264 or chapter 322 to 374 in the manga. Thats 35 episodes and 53 chapters respectively.
Is the Water 7 arc important?
+Yes, not only is the Water 7 arc important, it is one of the most important pre-timeskip arcs in the series. It introduces several new recurring characters.
What did Usopp do in Water 7?
+In Water 7, Usopp refuses to let go of the Going Merry when it is considered unsailable. He fights Luffy for ownership of the ship. He also becomes the Sniper King.
Is the Water 7 arc filler?
+No, it is canon and a very important arc to the story as a whole. It is also the set up arc to Enies Lobby, one of the most iconic arcs int he series.
Who is the villain in the Water 7 arc?
+The main villains of the arc are Cipher Pol 9, a secret government agency of assassins, and Spandam, the leader of CP9 and mastermind behind the capture of Robin.
What happened to Robin in Water 7?
+In Water 7, Robin seemingly betrays the crew and attacks Iceburg while joining CP9. It is revealed to be a facade at the end of the arc.
What is the next arc?
+The next arc is the Enies Lobby arc which is a coninutation of the events of Water 7. It also is one of the most important arcs in the series and sets the stage for Luffy to become a powerful player in the world of One Piece.
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